INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL Vascular Cell Functions in Health and Diseases – SANTIAGO – CHILE

Dear Colleagues.

We are pleased to announce that Heidelberg University (Germany) in a joint effort with researchers from the Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico) and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile will run an International Summer School (ISS) for doctoral students in the topic of Vascular Cell Functions in Health and Diseases

Up to 25 outstanding doctoral students from selected universities in Europe and Latin America will be invited to participate in the ISS.

The objectives of this project are to strengthen academic collaboration between Asia, Europe and Latin America and to foster networks of young researchers from these regions. All costs (attendance fee, travel and accommodation) for doctoral students who have been awarded a scholarship will be covered by this program.

Please find enclosed the Official Call and Application Form for the ISS to be held at the HEIDELBERG CENTER LATIN-AMERICA in SANTIAGO DE CHILE, between October 7-19, 2018.

Doctoral supervisors can nominate their students for the summer school scholarship; however, self-nominations are also invited.

As part of the activities of the ISS, we are proud to make the First Call to participate as a presenter at the International Postgraduate Workshop 2018 (IPW 2018). IPW 2018 main topic is Human Pregnancy Complications in Diabesity and will run between October 17-18 (i.e., within the ISS) at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Santiago, Chile). IPW 2018 will include keynote lectures, oral and poster presentations and is open to applications from undergraduates, MSc, PhD, postdoctorals and researchers. Please send us a letter of intent to attend and presenting your results at the IPW 2018 in conjunction with the ISS.

Please let us know whether you need further information at:

J Kroll, 

G García-Rivas, 

L Sobrevia,

Looking forward to a positive reception to this call to participate of the ISS (and IPW 2018), best wishes,



Research Assistant Postgraduate Position in CHILE

The Cellular & Molecular Physiology Laboratory (CMPL) at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile is seeking applicants for a research assistant postgraduate position.

Project: Role of insulin receptors and adenosine receptors in prevention of fetoplacental endothelial dysfunction by insulin in women with gestational diabetes mellitus.

Position is expected to start on: March 1st, 2018.
Applicants must submit via e-mail an abbreviated CV (max. three pages) and two references (including e-mail address and telephone). Not a letter is required at this stage. Applicants will be interviewed (videoconference).

Contact: Professor Luis Sobrevia
Postal address: Marcoleta 391, Santiago 8330024, CHILE
E-mails: or