Dear all,
We want to warmly invite you to our next Symposium of the Latin American Society on Maternal-Fetal Interaction and Placenta.
Even though the world is taking the road to recovery, as COVID-19 vaccination programs are rolling out, it remains our top priority and responsibility to ensure the health and safety of our staff and participants. With this in mind, we have decided to hold the Symposium as a virtual event, taking place on 4-6 May 2022.
We are grateful for your understanding and support and we hope that the scientific excellence of the program can at least partially balance out the disappointment of not being able to meet all of us together.
We look forward to warmly welcoming you all online!
Reggie García Robles Alicia Damiano
Chair SLIMP 2022 SLIMP president
Registration rates
Early bird registration (Until March 30) | Standard registration (From March 31) | |
Standard delegate | US$70 | US$90 |
New investigator and mid-career delegate | US$50 | US$70 |
Organizing committee IX SLIMP 2022
SLIMP-associated networks
INS Maternal Health Network

GRIVAS Network

Abstract submission instructions
If you are interested in participating, please submit your work following the instructions listed below:
Abstract: Send an abstract of 300 words (title, objective, methodology, results, conclusions). Abstract form
Originality: The abstracts must be original work that has not been published in scientific journals or previously presented in congresses.
Language: Abstracts are accepted in English. Abstracts in Spanish or Portuguese will not be evaluated.
Presentation mode: Depending on the number of abstracts, the Scientific Committee of the event will select the presentation mode, which can be a poster or oral presentation.
- Oral presentation: Presentation of 10 minutes and 3 minutes for questions. The language must be English
- Poster presentation: previously, you must send a 1-minute video. On the day of the presentation, you will have 8 minutes for your presentation and 2 minutes for questions from the jury. Additionally, you should be attentive before and during the event to the chatbox, to answer the questions of the attendees. The language must be English.
Registration: At least one of the authors must be registered and attend the event.
Evaluation: The evaluation will be in charge of experts in the area, members of the Scientific Committee, and the decision will be final.
Notification: All authors will be sent an email notifying the acceptance or not of the abstract sent.
Important: Research studies that are based on humans must be approved by the research ethics committee of an educational institution or hospital.
- The best poster will be awarded the SLIMP 2022 prize, which will receive the registration for the next SLIMP meeting, tickets, and accommodation. This award will take place during the closing ceremony of the event.
- Scholarships for SLIMP 2022 will be awarded for 80 new investigators and 20 for mid-career latin-american delegates based on their work (Travel award IFPA). If you want to apply please check the box in the Submission abstract form and send the letter from your mentor/supervisor to slimp2022ni@gmail.com
- Three minute thesis (3MT™): In this SLIMP version we will introduce the competition 3MT. The best 3MT presentation will receive a prize. The Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) is an academic research communication competition developed by The University of Queensland (UQ), Australia. For more information please visit: www.threeminutethesis.org
For more information, write to slimp2021@javeriana.edu.co
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